In CY 2024, the blending of V24 and V28 model risk scores was introduced, impacting how final risk scores are calculated for Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. This article will explore the process of running MScore™ to apply the normalization factor and coding pattern adjustment factor to raw scores, followed by blending CMS-HCC models V24 and V28, using the CY 2025 model recently released by CMS.
Sept. 5, 2024This article provides a guide to using MScore™ via Python Package Management (PyPI) for running the CMS-HCC risk adjustment model, offering a SAS®-free, cross-platform solution for Medicare Advantage plans.
Aug. 8, 2024Explore key insights from industry leaders on the top five challenges in risk adjustment and strategies to address them effectively.
Jan. 10, 2024Discover how the toolkit empowers MA plans to improve the validity of diagnosis submissions with targeted actions.
Dec. 21, 2023Learn how to normalize and coding pattern adjust your 2024 risk scores with MScore™ and Python
Nov. 29, 2023Learn how you can use Python to integrate the CMS-HCC software into your risk adjustment pipeline.
Nov. 14, 2023